Let’s say it’s 7.25pm and you’re going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself. HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!! A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we’ll save at least one life. Rather than sending jokes please.. contribute by forwarding this mail which can save a person’s life….If this message comes around you ……more than once…..please don’t get irritated……U need to be happy that you are being reminded of how to cure ….Heart attacks….AGAIN

Wednesday 22 January 2014

House of Shalom Entertainment is Recruiting dancers- Gabriel

The prestigious House of Shalom Entertainment is Recruiting dancers that will be available for an international event that will occur sometime in March 2014. We need dancers that can dance African Contrary. Hip hop. And any other creative and dance styles. Thleasee CEO said . Any interestee can call through this number +2348169371145 please take note that its absolutely free.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Delta state governor surports ban on same sex marriage in Nigeria. Says its a Taboo

Vanguard news By Victor Efeizomor Delta State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, has said the marriage between same-sex is not only a taboo but against the African culture Uduaghan, who stated this in Dublin, Ireland, while receiving an international leadership award, stoutly defended the bill forbidding gay marriage in Nigeria and signed into law by President Jonathan. The governor added that gay marriage was pedophilia, a psychiatric disorder, in which an adult had sexual interest in children and hence a taboo. Uduaghan during the award ceremony given by Metro Eireann, Ireland’s major multicultural newspaper, told the international community, which had Ireland’s Minister of Trade and Foreign Investment, Mr. Joe Costello, in attendance, that gay marriage offended the cultural norms of Nigerians and that it could be likened pedophilia. The governor, while reacting to comments during the ceremony, maintained that the law was popular and that Nigerians accept it. “I am sure no one here in this country would accept a condition in which an adult can sleep with a 10- year-old girl. If that situation is not acceptable, we in Nigeria view gay marriage as such,” he said. Uduaghan, who received thunderous applause for his strong position on this issue by a large Nigerian audience, explained that marriage in Nigeria was viewed as union between families. “In Nigeria, marriage between two people is usually between a man and a woman and not just between them but between their families too,” he said. “Whenever a couple come together, they are not coming together by themselves, it almost involves their different families and if it is known that in that family there are married gays, the danger is that the taboo emanating from that might even affect others who are straight and that is not right,” the governor emphasised. Giving a personal example, he said: “In marrying my wife, it was the coming together of her family and my family and the blessings of the two families that made it happen.“ Accusing the international community of double standards, Uduaghan said he was surprised by their reactions, saying: “There was a public hearing by the National Assembly and we are not aware of their opposition to this bill. What happened was that a lot of Nigerians appeared and made submission in favour of it. So, it is a surprise that after the bill has been passed, we are now facing this opposition by the international community.” Concluding his remark, governor insisted that anyone who wishes to be married to a gay is free to migrate to the country, where it is acceptable.

A perfect 2015 Election is what i can't GAURANTY Nigerians: JEGA

Vanguard news.... By OKEY NDIRIBE ABUJA — Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Professor Attahiru Jega, yesterday, asked Nigerians not to expect next year’s general elections to be perfect. He said that the time- table for the election would be released this week. He spoke when the United States Ambassador to Nigeria Mr. James Enwhistle paid him a courtesy visit at the INEC’s headquarters in Abuja. “We are not promising a perfect election in 2015, but we are confident that we will do our best,” he said, but added that the conduct of the election would be better than than the 2011 polls. He further stated that the commission would embark on a retreat this week during which the commissioners would prepare: time-table for the 2015 polls; budget for the continuous voter registration to be conducted later this year and address other issues that are relevant to the forth- coming polls. According to Jega, the commission had taken steps to ensure credible polls. He cited improved staff training and re-organisation as some of the steps taken by INEC to ensure that the 2015 elections were free and fair. Said he:”We have also embarked on strategic planning and improved our relationship with our development partners. “It is our responsibility under the Electoral Act to do voter education and even political education generally. But it has always been challenging because the resources available to discharge that responsibility are usually insufficient, given the enormity of the task of dealing with a large illiterate population and getting them really understand what to do, not only during voting but also on the larger issues of choosing good candidates and so on. So there is a lot of things the CSOs can do.”

Monday 20 January 2014

Poverty; A disease or a blessing

Please read and share with at least 20friends Poverty! can anyone who has not really been poor know what poverty is? I really doubt it. How can anyone who enjoys three square meals a day claim to know poverty? Perhaps, one begins to grasp the real meaning of poverty when one struggles really hard to have one miserable meal a day. dear friend Poverty and hunger are cousins,it causes the former to always drag along the later wherever he chooses to go. If you are wearing a suit, or a complete traditional attire, and you look naturally returned in your apparel, you cannot understand what poverty entails, nor can you have a true feel of poverty if you have some good shirts and pairs of trousers, never mind that all these are casual wears, indeed, if you can change from one dress into another, and these are all you can boast of, then you are not really poor. A poor person begins to have a true feel of what poverty means, when, apart from the tethered clothes on his body, he doesn't have any other, not even a calico sheet to keep away the cold night. Let us face it, how can anyone who has never slept outside, in the open appreciate the full harsh impact of homelessness? Yet that is what real naked poverty is but he who can lay claim to a house, however humble can not honestly claim to be nakedly poor even though he might be poor.but the real poor man has no roof over his head, and this is why you find him under the bridge, in tents or simply in the vast open air . But that is hardly all, the poor man faces the world as a hapless underdog in every discussion, every event involving him or others, the poor man is constantly reminded of his failure in life. Nobody accept that his opinion merits consideration, so in most cases, he learns to accept that he has neither wisdom nor opinion. The pauper's lot, naturally rubs off on his child who is subjected to hunger of the body but also of the mind. The pauper lacks the resources to send his child to school and even in communities where education is free, the pauper's child still faces an uphill task because the hunger of the body impedes the proper nourishment of the mind. Denied maximum access to modern communication medias, the poor child has very little opportunity to understand the concepts taught him because his mind is a rocky soil on which the teacher's seeds cannot easily germinate, thus embattled at home and then at school, the paupers child soon has very little option but to drop out of school. That is still not all. Weakened by hunger, embattled by cold and exposure to the elements, feeding on poor water and poor food, the pauper becomes an easy target for disease. This is precisely why the poorest countries have the shortest life expectancies while the longest life expectancies are recorded amongst the richest countries in the world. Poverty is really a disease that shortens life! Thank you For more visit;

Saturday 18 January 2014

Newly wedded couple loses months old baby to the cold hands of death

Early on Sunday morning(3am), as the residents of the famous zone9 where still trying to revive from the fire incident that occured 18 hours earlier when immediately an unforgettable sound was heard, some said they had thought it was robbers who were trying to rub any nearby building everyone stayed put until a loud cry was heard this time it was a female's this made the whole neighbours run out of their abode only to find out that the only daughter of one Mr Jazy as he was popularly called, was dead the baby was only 7-8 month old before she died, all efforts to communicate with Mr Jazy where all abortive his wife also who was in tears and she also couldn't say anything, but according to claims some had said the baby has been on the sick bed for quite sometime now and the parent of the deceased baby had concluded that she was teething and since then been giving her the self prescribed medications while some of the deceased baby's relations said it was a spiritual attack and that the baby was killed because Mr Jazy has only a few well wishers even from his hometown (Ebira) land It was also gathered that Mr Jazy travelled with his wife and the baby to his hometown to celebrate this yuletude with his friends and family and the baby died a few weeks after they arrived in Abuja. The deceased baby was later buried 3hours later at the lugbe Cemetery.